• Gina's Journey

    So You’re Considering an English Degree

    If you’re considering a degree in English, chances are, people have been only too willing to volunteer their opinions. So like the rest of them, I would like to offer my unsolicited advice. But unlike many or most of them, I can offer relevant insight. I’m an English major myself who has been working “in the real world” for about five years now. I went to a small college in order to pursue this degree, and I’ve heard a LOT of advice. Caveat: I recognize that college is exorbitantly expensive, not conducive to every career path, and that the views surrounding it are changing. However, many employers require or prefer…

  • Uncategorized

    Gina’s Writer Confession #1

    I have a confession to make: I’d rather write than read. I’m often embarrassed when people ask me what books I’ve read recently or how many, because I often give up on books or struggle to pick a new one. Don’t get me wrong—I love reading and it did a great deal to shape the person I’ve become. But I’m very picky about which authors I trust in my brain and imagination. As hypocritical as it is, I don’t like to feel vulnerable, and reading is vulnerability. You’re letting someone else drive, and sometimes they don’t take you where you want to go. Have you ever driven with someone who…

  • Gina's Journey

    Life Update: Why I Left My Last Job

    I’ve been trying not to write about this because I didn’t want it to sound like I was hating on my previous boss, company, or team. But I can’t stop analyzing it, and recently I had some breakthroughs that I felt were worth sharing. First, the bare facts: I put in my two weeks’ notice at the end of June. I’d been unhappy for upwards of a year, but continually talked myself out of quitting for fear that I wouldn’t find anything better or that my problems were all in my head. I think it was the day I ended up in the emergency room on the advice of my…

  • Poetry

    I Wonder Why

    Do you want to know why people find it hard to love me?Why it’s so hard for anyone to get close to me?I’ll tell you why. I’m like the most delicate pane of glass or a paper-thin blade of ice,Sharp and clear and gorgeous in its delicacy.But then people are surprised when one harsh breath destroys me,Melting in the heat of a single hateful word or frightening toneOr scattering fragments in my anger like mortar,When some days shine brighter than others and still I manage to waste away. Like a snowflake, I cannot be grasped;You must hold out your hand and wait for me to drift in your direction.Beautifully methodical,…

  • Gina's Journey

    Welcoming the New Year with Curiosity

    I’ve always liked New Year’s Eve. It’s probably my favorite holiday behind Halloween. Though I haven’t been faithful about choosing resolutions every year, nor sticking to every one of them, the ones I’ve done have led to some of the best decisions of my life, such as reading the Bible all the way through or writing a short story every month, which led to the birth of my first novel. This year, I’m still pondering my specific resolutions. But I did want to greet 2024 in style. It’s how I roll when I want to see big changes. The last time I went this hard for a new year was…

  • Uncategorized

    The 10 Work Boundaries I Live By

    With a whiff of the upcoming busy season at my job in the air, I felt the resurgence of my burning passion for the boundaries I use to keep myself healthy and happy, even in the corporate world. So without further ado, these are the rules I live by. I can imagine the possible objections to these rules, so let me address some of them briefly. Work is a necessary means to an end, and I hope you have or gain the courage and know-how to take control of your side of that transaction.

  • Gina's Journey

    Self Doubt Has a Face, and It’s Mine

    My Self Doubt is a cheerful, overweight alcoholic version of me with a cute smile and an air of confidence that makes it easy to believe every word she says. She loves to remind me what I cannot do, and she’s full of opinions about what the future is bound to look like. She moonlights as a realist and masquerades as a friend who only wants to save me from embarrassment, but it’s hard to tell where her honesty ends and the hopelessness begins. Some days I listen to her. “It’s impossible,” she says matter-of-factly, pouring herself another glass of her current drink of choice. “No matter how much you…

  • Gina's Journey,  My Own Brooding

    That Halloween Mood

    Spooky season? More like the real most wonderful time of the year! You know what I love about Halloween? The expectations are totally different from any other holiday. You can kick it however you like, and you’ll fit right in. Love horror movies? Go wild. Want to play it safe and decorate jack-o-lanterns? Go for it. Decorate with spooky elegant decor all year round? Well, now you blend in! In fact, I think it might be said that Halloween is one of the most customizable holidays. Sure, you could technically celebrate anything (or nothing) exactly as you please, but at Halloween, you’re freer from rigid expectations. Let Me Feel This…