• Self Publishing

    What does it cost to self-publish?

    Plenty of variables will impact your bottom line, but I’m going to give you a quick run-down of the basics you’ll need to budget in order to self-publish your book. These are what I consider the absolute non-negotiables. Once you start marketing your book, you’ll be looking at other expenses, including buying ads and whatever other methods you choose, but this list will get you to where your book is available for purchase. Once I’ve done more marketing of my own, I may add those expenses to this list or write another just for marketing. Professional editing – Expect to pay at least $1,000 and then make sure you have…

  • Self Publishing,  The Writer's Toolkit

    Please Do Not Feed the Pigs

    Hey. You. Starry-eyed writer. You. Listen to me. I know you just want to write your stories and, God willing, get paid for it, but let me tell you something: there is a crowd of people between you and your audience. They will say they can help you. Now listen to me. *takes your little face in my hands* Don’t assume you can trust them, nor that you actually need what they’re offering. Let’s face it: you’re new, impressionable, and scared. This industry is like a big freaking secret; it feels like you can’t find an in anywhere, no matter how good your writing is. So whenever someone waves and…

  • My Own Brooding

    An Ode to the Illusionist

    Authors are not the only creators of fiction. Actors, both on the stage and the silver screen, are our brethren. They breathe characters in and walk around in their shoes, like the most intimately connected of readers. Visual artists, too, can create fiction. They may draw scenes or give a face to a character who visits readers only in little snatches. But there is one creator of fiction who is often forgotten, and that is the illusionist. I hope no one makes their entire way through life without experiencing the magic of the theater. When the lights go down and the curtains come up, it’s like your body doesn’t exist…

  • Uncategorized

    Why You Should Write That Thing

    The only thing writers are better at doing than writing is making excuses. (Admit it! You know it’s true.) And one of our favorite things to excuse ourselves for is, ironically, not writing. Now, if you’re a writer, this is not news to you. Probably you’re reading this article about why you should Write That Thing so that you don’t have to actually open the document and write it. I see you. (And I’m here preaching to you instead of hashing out my latest novel. So we’re even.) But I’m not here to talk about procrastination. I’m talking about stifling a story. I don’t know how inspiration comes to other…