• Gina's Journey

    Welcoming the New Year with Curiosity

    I’ve always liked New Year’s Eve. It’s probably my favorite holiday behind Halloween. Though I haven’t been faithful about choosing resolutions every year, nor sticking to every one of them, the ones I’ve done have led to some of the best decisions of my life, such as reading the Bible all the way through or writing a short story every month, which led to the birth of my first novel. This year, I’m still pondering my specific resolutions. But I did want to greet 2024 in style. It’s how I roll when I want to see big changes. The last time I went this hard for a new year was…

  • Gina's Journey,  My Own Brooding

    The Consuming Dream

    I have been given a unique gift. I know that. This beautiful world of dreams which keeps my head ever in the clouds and peering at the world from weird angles is a joy and a delight to me. I cannot imagine a life without it. Why would I live if not to live this way? However, I feel upon my heart an immense burden. Yes, all artists feel the one of striving for perfection and inevitably falling short. I’ve come to appreciate this constant challenge as a friendly adversary who is always forcing me to be better. It is like a tough but trusted critic who stands behind those…