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    The 10 Work Boundaries I Live By

    With a whiff of the upcoming busy season at my job in the air, I felt the resurgence of my burning passion for the boundaries I use to keep myself healthy and happy, even in the corporate world. So without further ado, these are the rules I live by. I can imagine the possible objections to these rules, so let me address some of them briefly. Work is a necessary means to an end, and I hope you have or gain the courage and know-how to take control of your side of that transaction.

  • Uncategorized

    Author Update: In the Last Leg of Book Two

    No, it’s not a sequel. Just the next book by yours truly. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let Me Reintroduce Myself Hi! It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve given you a glimpse behind the curtain to my writing workshop (or rather desk. It’s a desk.) so come on in. I have a lot to update you on, and I’m super excited about it! (Yes, in spite of that bummer of a last article I wrote. Honesty is important, but that one was a tough admission. Read it here.) Meet the New Baby Okay, so it’s not quite ready yet, but I’m in the last chapters! This one…

  • Gina's Journey

    An Unexpected Hurdle: Book Postpartum Depression

    I made you. I love you. I made you because I love you. So why is it so hard for me to interact with you? Hitting that phase of adult life where most of my friends are getting married and having babies has introduced me to the concept of postpartum depression. And though I’m a single person with no children, hearing about what it’s like to experience postpartum depression made my ears perk up because it sounded so familiar. But not with a baby. With a book. It’s been over a year since the publication and release of my first book. It hasn’t felt at all the way I expected…

  • The Writer's Toolkit

    My Top 5 Tips to Optimize Your Writing Process

    Every writer wants to know new ways to help them write more, better, or more often. I’ll let you in on my own routine for kicks and giggles, but remember it always comes down to what works for you. It’s really a matter of trial and error. So what works for me might leave you stymied, and what works for you might end in me scrolling Pinterest instead of typing words.So without further ado… My Top Writing Process Tips: Routine and Habitat 1. Make playlists. If you’re like me, music can be a double-edged sword: rife with inspiration, but a sucker for your attention if you’re not careful. Some writers…

  • Self Publishing

    What does it cost to self-publish?

    Plenty of variables will impact your bottom line, but I’m going to give you a quick run-down of the basics you’ll need to budget in order to self-publish your book. These are what I consider the absolute non-negotiables. Once you start marketing your book, you’ll be looking at other expenses, including buying ads and whatever other methods you choose, but this list will get you to where your book is available for purchase. Once I’ve done more marketing of my own, I may add those expenses to this list or write another just for marketing. Professional editing – Expect to pay at least $1,000 and then make sure you have…

  • Gina's Journey,  The Writer's Toolkit

    It Hasn’t Been Written

    Writer, I’m about to give you some of the best news ever. If you paid attention to the title, I already have: It hasn’t been written. “What hasn’t been written?” you ask. Just pause for a second and feel for that glow of hope. That. That story which is on your heart. The one you’ve been searching for in every book you’ve ever read and haven’t quite managed to find. The one that feels so familiar that you could swear you’ve read it somewhere or maybe had it read to you as a child, if you could just remember where. That one perfect story, or the one that’s perfect to…